Granny Square to Wear – or the world’s easiest top

In between the dreadful work overload of the past few days, I managed to crochet this little delight. Yes, CROCHET. I’ve been so busy learning how to knit that I had “forgotten” that I’m actually much better (and quicker) at crocheting.

granny5This particularly pattern is Amanda Tipton’s take on a “Granny Square to Wear”. And what a great concept it is! In the matter of a couple of hours, you’ll have a great baby top, perfect for these sad Spring days. All you really need to know is how to crochet a granny square (check out Teresa’s blog if you need help – and then take some time to join both pieces. It’s instant-crochet-satisfaction! 🙂

The pattern may be found here:

Or on Ravelry

And here’s my creation! I have another one hooked up already, so more updates to follow!Fotor041021406


Free Pattern – Le Drool: Awesome Bib for Awesome Babies

Awesome Knitted Bib for Awesome Teething (and Other) Babies


Bibs. Here’s something you can NEVER have enough. Never. First comes the spit-up. Then come the first meals. And then that dreadful monster without a face called “Teething Horribilis”. So, whether you need to keep your bib stash full, you’re searching for a last minute gift for a baby that literally takes one to two hours to finish or you’re just taking your first steps in knitting, this is the project to choose.

PS: This is my first written knitting pattern. Be patient (and nice). If you find any mistakes or if you have any thoughts, queries or suggestions, please let me know.

The PDF file: Le_Drool_AwesomeBib

Hope you like! And please, please, share your photos of the finished products with me! 🙂